Michael Wallis Therapy


Welcome to my counselling page; review this page if you are considering undertaking one to one therapy with me via telehealth (similar to video-conference, FaceTime or Zoom). 

About Me

I have been a counsellor for over thirty years. My original training was a Bachelor of Social Work at the South Australian Institute of Technology. For the first 15 years I worked in government based service (child protection services, correctional services and mental health services). For the last 15 years I have worked in a small non-government organisation providing counselling to couples and individuals. 

I have attached my resume for your perusal here.

I take a practical approach to counselling with a strong focus on solutions and the development personal insight. My theoretical base is animaception (read my blog and see below) and attachment theory.

As an attachment based therapist I build healthy and natural relationship with my patients and support them to ‘meet the needs’ of those they love while being able to dismiss those they do not.

As an animaception based therapist I encourage and support individuals to notice, express and recover from their emotions and to resolve the ‘old’ traumas that continue to impact on their daily lives.

Therapeutic Services

If you struggle to develop and maintain changes to your life I encourage you to apply for counselling thus beginning the journey to repair and strengthen your relationships with partners, parents, children, enemies, friends, or even yourself.

Tele-health sessions are 45 minutes, and usually occur weekly. Each session attracts a fee of either $60 or $120 depending on your income. Session fees are not claimable via Medicare or any other health insurance. 

Animaception Theory

I have developed and written the theory of animaception to explain my lifelong interest in why people have emotions. Emotions can be fun but they are often painful and this conflictual existence had me curious from a very young age. It took many years for animaception to truly formulate and for the past 10 to 15 years I have been using animaception and attachment theory in my daily practice.

The development of the ‘basic’ theory of animaception led to a very surprising outcome; as you begin to understand and integrate animaception into your life it becomes obvious that humans are naturally and essentially compassionate creatures. It turns out the aggression and defensive nature of some humans is actually unhealthy. To understand this requires an integrated understanding of emotions and their role in our everyday lives, and this takes time to develop. Understanding the compassion inherent in humanity is a journey because the first step is to understand, and learn to be in charge of, our emotions! For more information get my book, and read the blog.

Wait Lists

I do not have a wait list at the time of writing this page, however I expect there will be one in a short space of time. I apologize for that but ‘it is what it is’. When you do get in to see me, it will be for as long as you need, not driven by number of consults. Different people work at different paces.

Circle of Security Parenting Program

I am a fully trained and approved Circle of Security Parenting Program provider and will teach this attachment based parenting program to individuals or groups. The cost is $240 per session and there are 8 sessions, however this cost can be divided between individuals ie groups of 10 the cost is $24 per session. If you would like to undertake the Circle of Security parenting program you can add your name to a list and I will contact you when we have enough people to provide the course at a cost you can afford. Please add the cost you can afford to the request. Please use the words “Circle of Security” in the subject line. Apply using my contact form.

Apply to undertake counselling

Application is simple but first you should read the terms of use and privacy policy for therapeutic service here.

Having read those delightful policy and terms you may wish to request services or ask a question. Click here.